
Pre-Launch Checks

10 April 2020 / by James van Zeeland (author)
Launchpad (photo: NASA)
Launchpad / (photo: NASA)

So this project has been sitting waiting for attention for ages. Currently we have coronavirus lockdown in effect and I can scarcely believe what is going on. One day we can congregate and savor our preferred sounds and libations, the next we're all under house arrest. So dibs on that as a show title. Anything title actually. Album, single, EP whatever. "House Arrest"

So this is my contribution to taking my mind off worries and concerns - building this. I hope that we might find circumstance lends us to gather in a different way and collaborate and grow as a community. We may not be able to gather and share drinks, but we can share our sounds.

The author

James van Zeeland

James is a published author, systems administrator and audio engineer with over 20 years experience.

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